What Do You Believe?

Belief - An acceptance that something exists or is true, especially one without proof (Oxford Dictionary)

I personally believe that maintaining hope in your goals is paramount. My personal challenge from 2015 to mid 2017 was to believe I would at some point run pain free again. When I found a new therapist and coach to work with in 2017 I had to believe they would help me achieve my dream. I maintained that hope and belief and thankfully my diligence in following their advice has led to the longest period of pain free running since 2015. I never gave up hope or lost the belief it would happen. I did have to go through a pretty tough time to get to that stage but that's just part of my journey. No one says these things are going to be plain sailing!

Some weeks the word Belief comes up more in my working week than others. Last week was definitely a week where it cropped up more than normal and it made me think a bit more about the word.

Meeting new clients is always an interesting experience. Their view of what they are capable of is usually much lower than I believe it to be. Confidence is eroded over a long period of time. Where once they may have felt fit and healthy; now they may believe that feeling is lost forever.

The ageing process doesn't have to mean you lose that feeling but you do need to believe you can feel like that once again to achieve it.

On more than once occasion a client has said that they need a trainer who believes in their ability to achieve their goals more than they do (because they don't believe they can do it alone usually). It's much more common than you might think.

The solution is to build that confidence back up again with training that makes my clients feel energised and excited that they can do it! That involves helping them to build consistency with regular exercise, not over doing it and generally having fun with getting fitter again.

Once confidence starts to increase the seed of belief you can achieve your goal is sown.

The change of mindset that occurs at this point is pretty spectacular to be part of. It's actually the most rewarding part of my work.

To achieve anything in life we need to have an element of belief; you don't have to 100% believe it's possible at the start but we need to sow the seed and nurture it to maturity.


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